OpenPlant Modeler Help

To Synchronize changes to iModelHub

To Synchronize changes to iModelHub,Plantsight Sync Mode option should be set to File. This option is defined using OpenPlant Project Administrator.For more information, refer to different OpenPlant Modeler Integration mode here
  1. Click Sync to iTwin from the Collaborate ribbon. The Differences dialog displays listing the number of components added, deleted and/or modified.
  2. Review the changes and Accept/Reject changes as necessary.

    The Objects section lists the Added, Modified or Deleted components.

  3. Click Synchronize to save the changes to iModelHub.
    Note: A dialog box appears to add comments and user can enter a comment about changes which is then displayed on iModelHub.
  4. An information dialog will display informing whether the synchronization was successful or not.
The changes will be saved to iModelHub and all the data is retained in design file.